October 19, 2020

Rippey Lions Club – The Rippey Lions Club met recently to begin planning for the months ahead with masks and social distancing. Information was shared about the upcoming Trunk or Treat outside the Rippey public library on Saturday, Oct. 31. There will also be a pick-up meal from 5:30 to 6:30 pm sponsored by the Friends of Rippey.
The Perry Chamber is beginning to make plans for the BRR Ride in Feb. 2021. There will be more discussion about that later. The group decided to meet the first Thursday on Nov. 5 and Dec. 3 to elect officers and to make plans for the time ahead.
Information will be sent to Lions Club members about the upcoming meetings.
Birthday party – Sharon Bardole McBlain hosted a Zoom 75th birthday party for her younger sister, Nancy Hanaman, on Oct. 16. Family and friends from Wisconsin, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Maryland Texas and Iowa joined in the festivities. Dale and Nancy enjoyed the peach birthday pie while the other guests sang to the honoree, which was an interesting performance via Zoom.
Guests included Nancy and Dale’s children and families, Sarah Pearson and Benji Pearson, Steven, Elizabeth and Andrea and Matthew and Heather Hanaman, Andrianna and Adyara Hanaman, Nancy’s brother John Bardole, and other cousins and friends.
Website: www.rippey.lib.ia.us | Hours: Mon-Fri 2- 5 p.m. | E-mail: rippeyli@windstream.net
~by Phyllis Bardole
The library had the pleasure of welcoming visitors on October 15. Mary Weaver and Phyllis Lepke came to give the library two new books. Friends of Rippey published a book, “I Remember Rippey”. It consists of several former Rippey people telling their memories of Rippey.
These will be on sale for $10; $15 if they are mailed. Come check them out, or you can buy one from the Friends of Rippey if you wish. They will be available to purchase October 31, when the city council is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat night.
Saturday was the judging of the pumpkins. We had a very successful day. There were about 20 adults and children present. Brenda Roberts left three gift bags each for the four age groups. Cindy Devilbiss brought water, juice boxes, crackers, and candy for treats. Everything was wrapped. She also had books for prizes. Lyle Rychnovsky and Elizabeth Blakemen were judges. Kyle Mowrer, another trustee, was also in attendance. He went to Deal’s Orchard early in the month to pick up pumpkins. We want to thank them for the “deal” they gave us on the pumpkins.
There were ages from kindergarten to seventh grade, and then also the adults. A & W from Jefferson gave us several coupons for an ice cream cone or cup. We appreciate their generosity. There were new faces and I’m hoping they will be library patrons soon. We had some who took pumpkins but were not be able to come. All in all, it was a good day. Thanks to all who came and the trustees for making it a fun day.
More new books I have purchased are Evening and Morning by Ken Follett. It is a prequel to Pillars of the Earth. It has already been checked out. The other two are a Sandra Brown book, Thick as Thieves and Vince Flynn’s book, Total Power.
I’m afraid our warm weather has left us. There are always books to read on those cool fall nights!